FastToken, the casino token from BetConstruct, a 6000+ employees, London-based company
It goes without saying that finding an ICO backed by a solid company and with a working product is hard to find those days. For a good option, keep reading.
BetConstruct ( is a London, England-based business with close to 7000 employees, according to their LinkedIn page, placed in the Lottery and gaming industry. Their betting platform with more than 1 million daily users will be tokenized, along with other partners to be announced, according to the project’s webpage (
To realize that, the company has started a project called FastToken, based out of St julian’s, Malta, according to their LinkedIn page ( and which is just starting as of October 2018.
What to look forward to
Investors looking to know more will have to wait for the whitepaper, which is still under preparation as of time of publication. You can also enter your name and email on the project’s webpage to receive information about the tokensale. FTN will be an ERC20-compliant token.
How to contact them
Telegram admins are very useful. Join their discussion channel ( and announcement channel ( Anait and other admins will answer all your questions.