Revealing Taal Coin (TAAL) Logo and Latest News and Updates
Just started this month of October 2021, Taal Coin has made a lot of progress and we are now pleased to reveal our Logo.

Here it is. Does it look familiar? As previously explained in this welcome article, we take our name from the active Taal Volcano, in the Philippines. To know more about this wonder of nature, read this contributed article. So our logo represents Taal volcano, with its green slopes, its blue sky and its plumes of gas steadily rising. The letter T forms the flow of lava going down the volcano. Don’t worry, it’s not yet spewing lava in real life!
We take this opportunity to highlight that we already started soft marketing on October 9, and already getting more than 800 followers on Twitter, and 750 members on telegram. Our website, is also under construction.

Our whitepaper is almost ready and will be released early next month. You can see sneak peeks of it on our Twitter. And finally, our illustrator is working on our NFT collection, that will be used as rewards for donors and that would be available to buy on a new but already popular platform. Stay tuned!

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